Our Worship

Here are some of the things you will see when you worship with us. (Scroll down)

SINGING We love to sing praises to God, and we invite everyone to participate. The New Testament instructs God's people to sing. Ephesians 5:19. The instrument of God's choice is the human heart.

PRAYER Prayer is an opportunity to give God praise, to thank Him for all our blessings, and present our petitions before him. One man will lead the prayer while each member follows along silently. Fervently and from the heart we make our personal desires known to God. Ephesians 6:18

TEACHING The teaching you will hear is biblical. We desire to teach only what the Lord commands in His Word. The New Testament Church came together in one place for the teaching of God's Word for edification, and we likewise encourage families to assemble together for this purpose. 1 Corinthians 14:1-40

COMMUNION The most important event in Christianity is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus asked us to remember this event each Lord's Day with the simple memorial of the Lord's supper. Acts 20:7. The bread, to the Christian is the representation of the body of the Lord, and the cup is the representation of His Blood, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26. This is a time of solemn reflection and meaningful meditation upon the death, burial, and resurrection of our suffering Savior.

GIVING We will provide an opportunity to everyone to give each Lord's Day. 1 Corinthians 16:2. This is a time we show our thankfulness for God's blessings. The funds are used to spread the Gospel here and across the world. If you as a visitor wish to give, we welcome your gift with thankfulness, but as our guests, please do not feel that this is your obligation. 

FRIENDLINESS Before and after the assembly you will find the members are friendly, filled with Christian love, and, while respecting your privacy, will make themselves available to you if you have any questions or needs.